Don't Stop Drinking Fluids

Fun Fact Alert: People don’t realize that when we stop drinking water, let’s say at 4 pm and don’t start drinking until 9 am we actually create an acidic environment in our bladder.  That stimulates that Detrusor Muscle to contract and wah-lah we are waking up in the middle of the night to have a worthless 2 seconds pee.

When you urinate, your pee should be a light straw color. If it’s darker, then you may be dehydrated. If it’s clear, you may have just guzzled a little too much water.

Written by: Susana Cicchetti, PT, DPT

A common thought to avoid having to go to the bathroom is the idea “I’ll just stop drinking.” That’s a myth.  Referring back to how the bladder works, the kidneys are constantly filtering and your bladder is constantly filling.  Now, if you chug 2 L of water right before bedtime, of course, you will have to go in the middle of the night. But if you space your fluids throughout the day, consuming ½ ounce per body pound, you’ll find a more steady flow and a better night’s sleep. 

April Douglas