Do you know if you have a healthy bladder?

With this being said, Pelvic Floor Physical Therapists will ask questions about your daily voiding habits and compare them to the “norms.” It’s the collection of these signs or symptoms that guide us to how your bladder and pelvic floor communicate and work with each other.

Here is what they are:

  1. You pee for 8 seconds or longer every time you go. 

  2. You void every 3-4 hours/day. 

  3. You drink half your body weight in ounces/day.

  4. Night time urination (nocturia): 0-1 times

Some of these values shocking? Does it have you thinking about your daily habits?

Little adjustments to your routine might free up your bathroom and if you have questions - we are here to help!

Written by: Dr Susana Cicchetti, PT, DPT

Do you see your Dr. for your annual physical? Go to the lab right after to get some blood drawn and test.  Just like heart health, thyroid health and whatnot, physical therapy  has some “norms” that tell us if our bladder is healthy and functioning well.  Of course, there are labs you can do that require peeing in a cup, imaging, and blood tests but these tests may not help explain why you have a weak urine stream, Overactive Bladder Syndrome, or leak when you jump after cheering for a touchdown! 

Some of the things your Medical Doctor looks at is disease; what your Doctor of Physical Therapy looks at is dysfunction. Those pills prescribed aid that pathology happening to the organ but may not address having to change your pants in the middle of the day.   

April Douglas